Eva Santiago

Guest Blogger

Eva is a former police officer turned certified Bikram Yoga Instructor, personal nutritionist, and all-around healthy-life fanatic. She was born in New York City and was a card carrying (Metro Card) Native New Yorker, who, after graduating college and having a brief but powerful “a-ha” moment on the NYC subway system, realized she could not conquer the entire island of Manhattan with a bartenders resume and bachelors in Psychology. Eva headed out of the metro, stopping in the Midwest - the heart of America – in order to be closer to her family. It was here that she married her love of fitness and discipline with a successful career in law enforcement, serving as a Patrol Officer, Recruiter, Fitness Instructor and general enthusiast for helping others live better lives – “It’s not pretty in jail, I feared for the safety of all inmates - have you seen that luncheon meat they are forced to eat?”. Knowing that her passion was one that thrived on assisting, improving, and saving lives, Eva decided it was time to put the daily risk and high-stress of law enforcement behind her, and find an alternative way to help people be…well…just, better people. “The life of a cop has many dynamics. It was the hardest and greatest job I’ve ever had, but after 7 years I just wanted to explore other careers. I remember a fellow cop saying that, in the end, we are in the business of saving lives, so I decided to just pick a career where I could save lives in a more subtle way and without the fear of getting stabbed in the face.” A deep breath, her life savings, and the desire to become her best possible self, led Eva to complete the intensive and demanding Bikram Yoga teacher certification program, develop a personal meal planning and preparation business, and start a new chapter in life that replaced tasers and armoured vests with veggies and workout endorphins. Most importantly, Eva is a proud supporter of drinking wine in yoga pants.


Posts From The Author

  • Cleanse What? Ex-Squeeze Me!

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  • Coconut Oil: Healthy from the Inside Out (Part One)

    Healthy, glowing, vibrant, skin. Does that sound good to you? As a bride-to-be, I’m sure it does – and I’m sure that will sound good to your wedding photographer as well. It’s safe to assume that the days leading up to your amazing fairy tale wedding can be somewhat hectic. Things sometimes get complicated, so […]

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  • Can We Talk? We Need To Talk. About Gluten.

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  • Power Up for Bridal Bliss

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