Posts Tagged "Bridal Workout"

  • Lazy Bride Fitness Guide Part Four: Outer Thighs

    I am disguising this less-than-five-minute fixer in my so called “lazy” bride guide because you never leave your mat, but do not get me wrong ladies, this one is not easy! I know you wonder women can handle it though so let’s get to it. Grab a mat and a let’s get to work. *As […]

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  • Gliding Down the Aisle: Your Treadmill Alternative

    Hey Cardio Queens, I know it’s almost Summer but there’s no need to spend hours on the oh-so-boring treadmill or it’s ugly stepsister elliptical. You can glide your way into fit with this easy to follow but fun, fat-burning routine. Combining the strength and principles of Pilates with a little bit of heart-pumping cardio will […]

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  • Spring Into Fit: Head-to-Toe Toning for the Busy Bride-to-Be

    No matter your deadline, it’s never too late to take steps toward your best you. The following routine can be done anywhere – perfect for a busy bride. Join me on this journey with a fun, fat-burning routine that will help fling you into Spring! All you need is your body weight. Flow from one […]

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