The Sequin Skinny
Maggie Mueller

Maggie Mueller

Guest Blogger

The Sequin Skinny

Sequins! From tablecloths to bridal party attire, sequins are gracing the scenes of many weddings this season. But while sequins are glamorous and on trend, when worn, they also tend to highlight our trouble areas, specifically our middles. So much so that ads for “Spanx” are likely to pop up as you’re searching the interwebs for all things shiny. Whether you’re a bride-to-be planning the perfect rehearsal dinner ensemble or a bridesmaid preparing to don a glamorous gown, there’s no need for uncomfortable undergarments OR to spend hours at the gym in the weeks leading up to the big day. Simply add these three moves to your regular routine and your tummy will feel Sequin Skinny in no time!

Flowing from one movement to another, perform this entire sequence 2-3x for optimal results.

1. Side Tilts
Begin by standing in a wide ballet second position with your toes turned slightly outward. Arms extended with hands clasped overhead, hold a plié position with your pelvis tucked and abs engaged.

Side Tilts

Tilt as far as you can to one side while maintaining your lower body position. Return to center and repeat to the other side. Continue this movement for 1 minute.

Side Tilts

Side Tilts

Side Tilts

Pro tip: Elongate your spine and contract your abs as if you were tightening a corset!

2. Chop Chop
Continuing on, place your left hand behind your head. Using your right arm, reach toward the floor behind your right leg, then to the floor in front of your right leg making a chopping motion with your arm. Continue this move on your right side for 30 seconds then switch to your left side for another 30 seconds.

Chop Chop

Chop Chop

Chop Chop

Chop Chop

Chop Chop

Pro tip: Keep the palm of your hand securely on the back of your head with your elbow open.

3. Sweep
With the same lateral motion and your abs engaged, place your left hand behind your head, tilt to your right and reach behind you to sweep the floor with your fingers as you return to center. Switch to your left side. Continue this movement alternating right to left as fluidly as possible.






Pro tip: Reach for the floor behind you, between your feet. The further you twist, the more you’ll feel it!

As always, consult your doctor before starting any fitness regimen.

For more trouble spot toning or to follow along with me, click here!

Wishing you Peace & Pilates (and sequins!),
