Love Handle Lessons: Part One
Maggie Mueller

Maggie Mueller

Guest Blogger

Love Handle Lessons: Part One

It’s February. How did that happen? Keeping in theme with the love holiday, I’d like to turn our attention to something all women love to hate… Love handles. Inappropriately named, these hate handles are nothing more than unwanted fat stores (a reminder that pretty sprinkled things do, in fact, have calories) and a point of contention for any woman who has ever worn a fitted dress; especially those women who are searching for the most important dress they will ever wear. So what’s to be done? The obvious answer is clean eating and exercise. However, it IS possible to specifically target your trouble areas – hate handles included. The following exercises have been designed to do just that and you will be amazed at the results. Join me as we teach your love handles a lesson!

Flow from one movement to the next on your right side, then return to the top and perform the entire sequence on your left. It isn’t necessary to repeat more than one set per side, unless you’re a glutton for punishment. As always, consult your doctor before beginning any exercise program.

Rond De Jambe
Begin in a seated position, as shown, with your left leg tucked under your right knee. With your belly pulled in tight and spine elongated, extend your arms and clasp your hands in front of you for balance.

Rond de Jambe

Straighten and lift your right leg as you rotate it to the side of your body and then behind you.

Rond de Jambe

Rond de Jambe

Rond de Jambe

Bend your knee to wrap your foot behind you in a ballet attitude position. Without resting your leg on the ground, reverse the movement and return to the starting position. Perform this movement for 1 minute.

Rond de Jambe

Pro tip: Remain still – no leaning or wobbling! Keep your abs engaged as this will intensify the work.

Attitude Pulse
At the back of your Rond De Jambe, hold your attitude position and pulse upward for 30 seconds. You may put your palms on the floor in front of you but remain as upright as possible.

Attitude Pulse

Pro tip: Stay twisted! Don’t look at your leg. It won’t help 😉

Reach and Crunch
Moving from your attitude pulse, extend your back leg and reach the same arm as leg forward. Set your opposite forearm on the floor.

Reach & Crunch

Once extended, bend the raised arm and leg while bringing them inward until your elbow is directly above or touching your knee. Contract your abs! Return to your starting position and repeat for one minute.

Reach & Crunch

Pro tip: Focus on keeping your lower abs contracted as you come in for the oblique crunch. Isolating your lowers will allow your obliques to feel the burn!

For more trouble spot toning or to follow along with me, click here and stay tuned for Love Handle Lessons: Part TWO!