All About Arms Part Two: Triceps
Maggie Mueller

Maggie Mueller

Guest Blogger

All About Arms Part Two: Triceps

Here’s a moment to which most of us can relate: Have you ever raised your hand to wave but your arm fat did it for you instead? Isn’t that fun? Even worse is when your triceps and lats gang up on you to create that over-the-bra-back-fat-muffin-top-thingy (that’s the official term). I know I am not alone in this. I HATE tricep jiggle. My hatred for this problem area has led me to put together a set that is so efficient at murdering the tricep jiggle that it’ll be your go-to arm workout for wedding prep or just anytime you need a quick tone-up!

You’ll need a pair of dumbbells or just something heavy – in this workout you could use anything from a heavy textbook to a milk jug because you only need one! As always, consult your doctor before beginning any nutrition or fitness program.

Skull Crushers + Extension
Begin by lying on your back with your feet flat on the floor and dumbbells (DBs) in your hands (you can use just one to make it easier, if needed). Hold DBs together and above your chest. Bend at your elbows and bring the weights to the top of your head being careful to not actually “crush” your head! Keeping your elbows pulled inward, extend your arms behind your head so that your DBs almost touch the floor. Reverse the move to return to the top. Hold each position for two counts!

All About Arms Part Two: Triceps

All About Arms Part Two: Triceps

All About Arms Part Two: Triceps

Pro-tip: Isolate the burn in your triceps by flexing your pectoral muscles (your chest) throughout the movement.
Reps: 10

Tricep Pushups
For good form, start from your knees with your hips low and your belly button pulled toward your spine. Your hands are pulled closer together than normal push-up position so they are inside of your shoulder-width. Squeezing your body with your triceps and elbows, bend to lower your chest toward the floor, hold for one count then press back up to the top. Make sure you keep your shoulders pressed down and shoulder blades squeezed together.

All About Arms Part Two: Triceps

All About Arms Part Two: Triceps

Pro-tip: Do not let your elbows pop out to the side – they should touch your ribcage throughout the movement.
Reps: 10

Beginning in downward dog with your heels as close to the floor as possible and shoulder blades squeezed, lower your elbows and face toward your mat. Continuing in this trajectory as if you were sliding under a fence, bend your elbows and run your chest along your mat. Then straighten your arms as your hips come toward the mat and push through to cobra with your shoulders pressed down. Press back from here to downward dog and repeat! Again, do not let your elbows pop out to the sides! In order to work your triceps, you must keep your shoulders down, shoulder blades squeezed, and triceps and elbows in toward (if not touching) your body.

All About Arms Part Two: Triceps

All About Arms Part Two: Triceps

All About Arms Part Two: Triceps

All About Arms Part Two: Triceps

Pro-tip: Divebombs are a very advanced move – if modification is needed, begin in child’s pose and perform the exercise from your knees. Work your way up to downward dog!
Reps: 10

Repeat from the top 3x total for the best triceps of your life. Follow me on Instagram @thefusionpilates for more tips and tricks!

View All About Arms Part One: Shoulders here!