All About Arms Part One: Shoulders
Maggie Mueller

Maggie Mueller

Guest Blogger

All About Arms Part One: Shoulders

As you prepare for your wedding day, you’ll think about every detail. From the save-the-dates to sparklers (or confetti, or bubbles, or glitter, or kittens) and everything in between, you’ll obsess over each moment however major or miniscule. And it’s no stretch to assume that you’ll spend a painstaking amount of brainpower on your own wardrobe. After all, you are the bride and all eyes are on you. So let’s talk about your number one, have to have, ride or die, bridal accessory – toned arms. Think about it, you can play cover-up with any other trouble area via careful selection of your wedding dress but your arms are the star of the show regardless of how much you try to distract the eye with lace and tulle. This is actually great news, especially for the budget-conscious bride – rockin’ shoulders and toned triceps are free, all you need is a little sweat equity. The best part? Even in 20 years when our kids are making fun of our wedding pictures and style choices they will say, “Damn, Mom’s arms looked good!”

So c’mon! Grab some medium weighted dumbbells (or just some heavy things you have around the house) and let’s get lifting. As always, consult your doctor before starting any exercise or nutrition regimen.

Overhead Press
Stand with your feet apart and knees slightly bent. With weights in hand, raise them to head height with your elbows bent at 90 degree angles – this “field goal” is your starting position. Press your weights overhead and return to starting position, keeping your shoulders rolled back and pressed down. Focus on posture and keeping your abs engaged to protect your lower back.
Reps: 15

All About Arms Part One: Shoulders

All About Arms Part One: Shoulders

Lateral Raises
With your feet closer together, shoulders back and down and abs engaged, begin with your dumbbells in front of your thighs with palms toward your body. Slowly and with control raise your weights to shoulder level (arms slightly in front of you so they are still visible in your peripheral) to form a “T” with your thumbs pointing downward. Hold for 1 count then return to start.
Reps: 10

All About Arms Part One: Shoulders

All About Arms Part One: Shoulders

Upright Row
Belly tight and shoulder blades squeezed, begin in the same position as your T raises. Raise the dumbbells up your torso with your elbows out. Stop raising the DBs at the height of your chest but elbows will remain higher. Pause for one count then lower down slowly.
Reps: 10

All About Arms Part One: Shoulders

All About Arms Part One: Shoulders

Lat Pullovers
Lying on your back with your feet flat on the floor, hold your dumbbells together with your palms facing inward. With your core engaged and shoulders relaxed, slowly lower your slightly bent harms toward the floor keeping your elbows pointed forward. Only lower so far as to feel the pull in your lats and triceps – make sure you can still see your arms in your peripheral. Return to start.
Reps: 10

All About Arms Part One: Shoulders

All About Arms Part One: Shoulders

Good Ol’ Fashioned Pushups
You know the drill! Start in plank position with your palms under your shoulders. Your belly should be pulled to your spine and hips toward the floor. Bend your elbows and lower your chest toward the floor. Push off and return to starting position.
Reps: 10

All About Arms Part One: Shoulders

All About Arms Part One: Shoulders

Repeat entire circuit 3 to 5 times total!